Wednesday, May 23, 2007

Marlboro Reds: $29.95 per carton - Delivered

Special on Marlboro Reds: $29.95 per carton - Delivered!
The SSO Cigarettes Buyers Club Experience

I've been following the reports, and SSO members have been receiving their orders in near-record time since SSO opened to the public on May 7th. I ordered several of SSO's custom gourmet coffees to try, and the delivery was under two business days!


For a limited time (while supplies last) SSO buyers club members can purchase the very popular Marlboro Full Flavor King – Box or Soft pack for Only $29.95 per carton Delivered! All other types of Marlboro are available at our regular Low Delivered Price!

Find out about all your cheap cigarettes options and SSO on:

Or go directly to SSO:

SSO is the most private and secure way for American smokers to buy cheap cigarettes online. Until a couple of years ago it was pretty simple to buy smokes cheap on the Net, but things have changed dramatically - with hyper aggressive taxmen and crazed opportunistic politicians - politricksters, is more like it! These days, many online cigarettes sources will report your purcahses to the taxman, and it's only a question of WHEN you will receive that TAX DEMAND. Today, smokers have to be smarter about their online purchases - if they want to avoid the taxman and avoid TAX SURPRISES and KEEP THEIR SAVINGS.

Low Members-Only pricing is only the beginning for online cigarettes savings. If you want to KEEP your savings, you MUST have 100% PRIVACY and SSO is the only cheap cigarettes source that guarantees your privacy with NO POSSIBILITY OF A CIGARETTES TAX SURPRISE.

Find out about all your cheap cigarettes options and SSO on:

Or go directly to SSO:
