Price Drops and New Cigarette Brands ADDED
We posted good SSO pricing news last time and now
there's more good news from Sovran Solutions Online.
You can always stay current and find safe cigarettes
purchasing info on
Don't forget: If you don't want the Tax Man sending
you surprise cigarettes tax bills, you NEED PRIVACY!
And SSO is the ONLY truly private online source for
tobacco products:
Okay! So, hopefully, you saw my update with the news
of SSO's cigarettes price drops - most notably
that the popular Seneca brand
is now delivered at an amazingly competitive
price of $14.95. That's the delivered price,
without the typical $2.00 per carton or more
for shipping that most other online shops add
on to their advertised prices. You'll recall
that SSO also brought down the prices for Buffalo,
Tucson, Newports, and Now.
If you've missed any recent updates I've posted
them for you to read online:
So, the good news? An excellent, well-reviewed cheap
cigs brand has been added.
SSO Adds Popular SKYDANCER Cigarettes:
SSO's TOBACCO MALL now includes a new addition
- the popular SKYDANCER cigarettes at
a very competitive low price: $15.99 DELIVERED.
Formerly known as Oklahoma Senecas or Seneca
OK, the Skydancer brand is Native American made
in Oklahoma and has a faithful following that
really enjoys their good flavor. MENTHOL smokers
who love strong menthol are big fans too.
I've copied this Skydancer review from my Cheap
Cigs Reviews page to include
it here. You can find the page with reviews
of a bunch of other good deals on
it here:
BRONCO Cigarettes - Still More Good News:
SSO has also added this difficult to find Bronco cigarettes
variety at a very low competitive price:
Bronco Ultra Light 100 Box at $19.43 - Delivered price.
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