Monday, July 02, 2007

Cigarettes Smokers Self-Defense

Cigarette Tax State Terrorism

by Jack Petith

A $2,000 cigarettes tax bill?For most of us it's like a direct hit by a Category 5 Hurricane, or a direct lightning strike!

Devastating. Shocking. You probably see this kind of thing reported on the news, but I've personally received several emails recently from smoker friends about being Tax Raped for their cigarettes purchases: over 500 dollars in one case, and almost 2,000 in another!

I've had almost 10 years of experience with the online cigs business, and I have to tell you: Things have changed dramatically in the last two years! I mean it is NOT like it used to be. You simply CANNOT buy cigarettes or tobacco online the way you used to.

You have to buy much smarter today - or you'll pay the price.

The Tax Ghouls are on a rampage, smokers are getting tax-raped all over the country, and I'm now more convinced than ever that every smoker in America needs a 100% IMPENETRABLE SHIELD against these outrages. Without it, you're just a sitting duck. It's like playing Russian Roulette with every tobacco purchase and you're just waiting for the turn of the taxman's fatal bullet.

One answer to the Taxman problem that some smokers are using is going Duty Free. This option may be marginally safe at the moment, and it may also fail quite badly. I've heard from DF customers whose shipments were seized by Customs. And there may be reporting issues with Visa or even with Bank debit E-Checks. More below on all this.

Smokers' Privacy and Tax Safety are the Number One Issue for online tobacco purchases today.
How to deal with the Privacy issue:

REMEMBER: If you don't KEEP your Savings - They are NO LONGER Savings!

"The Good Ol' Days" are GONE and it is no longer safe to shop by price alone. Unfortunately, simplicity and convenience are now secondary too. If you ignore these brute facts of the real world, you are at serious Risk of getting a Big Ugly TAX SURPRISE.

There are TWO Main Areas that present a Tax Danger to You:

  • Reporting by your VENDOR of your purchases to your state Tax Authority, and
  • Reporting by the PAYMENT PROCESSOR of your purchase.

Vendor Reports -
It's not good enough that your current supplier is not reporting your purchases - or so you think. Vendors can be subjected to awful threats by the state, and many vendors have succumbed, or will succumb to them, and then they start to report. Next thing you know: you're being taxed. What's more, when vendors start reporting they very rarely make it obvious to you!

CC and Bank Reports -
You might also be betrayed to the taxman by your payment method: If you pay by credit card, you are either already being taxed (in the price you pay) or you're being reported by the vendor or the CC company - simple as that. Don't use a card for US vendors!

And if you pay by Bank E-Check, you may be reported any day now. It's widely expected that the banks will follow the example of the credit card companies and report online cigarettes purchases to state tax authorities. The paper trail is there, all they have to do is use it.

An Impenetrable Shield Against Tax Ghouls -
So, it's my business to understand these issues and to help you in these matters. And now that I'm a referral member with SSO, I've had to really look at these questions of tax vulnerability and privacy in order to understand exactly how and why SSO is built the way it is.
SSO was conceived and built to be totally private for its members, and secure against lost savings and unwelcome tax invasions. And that's why I now consider SSO to be the ONLY safe and sensible way to buy cigarettes online.

SSO has addressed the two main danger areas by,

1) being incorporated in Panama - free of US and State tax agency harassments, and
2) by using its own Private Payment Card - a payment system that is totally independent of the credit card companies and the banks and that leaves NO paper trail!

It's true that SSO's safety provisions make things slightly more complicated when you first join - but it's simple from there on. The added complications basically amount to this:

1) You have to pay to join the club - $24.95 only once - and mail a check or money order.
2) You need to fund your SSO Private Payment Card and use it to order.

Not really so complicated - not in today's world! And that's about it - not bad for very competitive savings that you WILL keep, for total privacy, peace of mind, no worries, and absolutely no tax surprises! I'd call that a good deal.

In the end, the more I understand the unique structure of SSO's cigarettes buyers club, the more convinced I become that SSO is the ONLY safe way for Americans to buy cigarettes online.

Sovran Solutions Online - SSO - is now the only IMPENETRABLE SHIELD available to American smokers. And you can find it from here:

Jack Petith