Thursday, September 13, 2007

Big Pharma and Anti-Tobacco Hysteria

Drug companies funding anti-tobacco studies?

Why not? The International Pharmaceutical Industrial Complex is set to make trillions of dollars from Nicotine Replacement and other Quitting "Therapies."

How else could such a huge international campaign of hysteria have been developed in such a short time? Remember, just a very few short years ago when people didn't think twice when someone lit up? How could it change so fast? Answer: A LOT OF MONEY.

Take a look at some of the new exposes of what's really going on when you visit

And, of course, the site remains a first visit necessity for everyone who wants to save on cheap cigarettes without ever paying a state cigarettes tax bill. That's right: cheap cigarettes and tobacco, and total privacy for cigarettes buyers club members. has also just added a Smokers' Health section. Pay us a visit today!

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