Friday, April 04, 2008

Cheap Cigarettes April 4 Update

It's been way over a month since our last cheap cigarettes savings update, and now here comes Spring time already! I hope it's a wonderful one for you, and a great summer too.

But you must take care, for the times are getting trickier than ever . . .

It's 100% certain that hard financial times are upon us - with bank failures, a collapsing dollar, the beginnings of inflation, increased job losses and home foreclosures - and much harder times than these are clearly on their way despite all the "happy talk" from the powers-that-be.

In a hurry? Take advantage of these pages now:

Click for low price cigarettes

Hard Times Depression?

You had best be ready for hard financial times. And, among other things, that means avoiding needless costs and improving your income.

If you've been paying attention, then you are well aware that we are at the beginning an era of what promises to be hugh financial turmoil. When the biggest Swiss bank
- UBS - declares losses close to 40 BILLION dollars, and when one of Wall Street's Biggest Investment Banks goes belly up - Bear Stearns - then times are most definitely changing.

Some of the government Big Cheeses in DC have even used the "R word" in public recently. "R" is for Recession. And guess what: in today's version of new-speak, "Recession" is code for Depression. So be ready - in all the ways you can be.

The Hard Times will effect smokers in some special ways. . .

Taxes -

We can expect a more actively aggressive level of state harassment for taxes. Just as we the people will be feeling the pinch, so will the states; and that means they will be going after the cigarette taxes they think are owed to them more vigorously, and
they will want higher taxes too.
Both of these are good reasons to use only SSO for
tobacco purchases: serious savings and complete tax invisibility.

Privacy -

Be sure your cheap discounted cigarettes purchases are made completely privately online. That means they should only be made with the one truly private online tobacco source - SSO, Sovran Solutions Online. Check my site and SSO for details of why it's the ONLY private source online ( and

You'll save money with SSO's cheap prices, and you'll keep your money because the state tax man will never know anything about you nor be able to
demand anything of you. That's the purpose of privacy.

Income -

Another way to ease things for yourself is to improve your income. SSO offers
an simple and excellent referral member program that can do exactly that. You can find out about it from my special page:

New York deliveries -

Most online tobacco sources will NOT deliver to NY state.

SSO delivers to NY State - no problem!

New Yorkers? Get 'em here CHEAP:

Maryland deliveries -

Most online tobacco sources will NOT deliver to Maryland.

SSO Delivers to Maryland. And to EVERY STATE in the U.S.A. - all of them.

New York State: Tax-Attacking smokers again!

It's been agreed by the legislature. The crooks that run the state of NY are doing it yet again, adding another $1.25 per pack in taxes. That brings the total state tax per pack to $2.75. There is an additional $1.50 New York City tax in that city. And that brings the total taxes on a pack of cigarettes for those who purchase in the city to $4.25 per pack!

The state, of course, says that some of the tax money will go to help smokers quit. Hah!! This is indeed a "smokescreen!" It means, in fact, that they'll give your money to Big Phamra - the Pharmaceutical Industrial Complex - to pay them for drugs so you can torture yourself on their poisons when trying to quit your not-so-bad smokes. What a racket, folks!

See more about the quitting racket below. . .

"This is putting a gun to my head and saying you are taking money from me for my own good," said Audrey Silk of NY C.L.A.S.H. "It's no different than a robber saying that when he's sticking you up."

She said, "Taxation shouldn't be used for social engineering," and we would add that it should not be used to fatten big corporations off the backs of a
hard-pressed and unfairly demonized segment of the public.

ABC TV's version of this grossly unjust tax attack is here:

Maine -

The Maine state legislature is currently considering a bill to raise the cigarette tax by 50 cents per pack.

South Carolina -

Famous for it's lowest state tax on smokes of 7 cents, SC's politicos are now trying to justify a tax increase of 50 cents per pack by saying the money will go for medicaid. More money selectively snatched out of smokers pockets, and more jive. . . Just as in NYS, the medicaid payments will likely also be used to fatten
Big Pharma - exactly those special interests who are behind so much of the junk science used in anti-smoker propaganda.

See my site for articles about these issues:

Smokers! Get 'em here - Cheap and Privately:

Ron loved to smoke.

Quitting - how crazy can it get?

This might help to put things in a little better perspective.

The little out-takes below are from a striking article that appeared in the Seattle
recently. When you consider the mountains of spurious junk science and
uncritical hysteria that the anti-smoking crusades are based on and when you consider the multi-million dollar profits that Big Pharma is creating out of the anti-smoking hysteria they've helped to create, well it puts this woman's suffering into a whole new perspective.

A credulous the public is being taken for an anti-smoking ride.

Tell me: Can what follows really be smart? Can it really be for better health. . . ???

She was trying to quit using pharmaceutical aids, she said:

  • I knew I might get addicted
  • It burned my nose worse than anything I could imagine.
  • Eventually, though, I got used to it.
  • I didn't even mind the side effects, which include watering eyes and a constantly running nose.
  • Then I started to get lightheaded.
  • Quitting is not cheap. I was paying about $200 a month.
  • I was using the spray as much as I would have smoked.
  • Now it was affecting me negatively, both healthwise and via my bank account.

Check out the full revealing article - and consider the profitable huge scam of moving millions of smokers from the simple pleasure of a smoke to the hell of unknown long and short-term effects of pharmaceutical alternatives:

Want a good smoke for a LOT less?

Get smokes for less than $15 per carton. That's the delivered price. Remember: most sources add $2 - or more - to their advertised prices. Compare the cheapest brands with smokers' reviews on my site, then pick the best for the least:

Okay, that's it for now.

But please: Don't just think about it. It's important to join with us now as a special SSO member. Use this link, and then select REGISTER NOW:


Nativeblend is for smokers: