Friday, January 07, 2011

No More "Good 'Ol Days" for Cheap Cigarettes

The USA Federal PACT Act is now in effect.
It has destroyed almost all online cheap cigarettes sources.
That was the result intended by Washington's politricksters.

The PACT Act's key anti-smoker elements are:

1. The Shipping Obstacle:
The US Mail system can no longer deliver retail cigarettes or tobacco products in the USA, whether the package originates in the USA or elsewhere.

2. Reporting Your Purchases for TAXATION:
ALL USA located vendors - including all those on Reservations - are REQUIRED TO REPORT all sales and customer details to purchasers' state tax authorities and attorneys general for after-purchase taxation.

PACT Act Results:

- USA-based retailers must tax and report you for post-sales taxation. They also cannot deliver retail tobacco products in the USA through the USPS mail system.

- Offshore "Duty Free" sources continue to solicit USA customers but they CANNOT deliver in the USA by mail.

- USA-based online shops are almost all closed down.

- "Duty Free" sites continue to solicit orders from USA customers - BUT they cannot deliver and are no longer a real source of retail tobacco for Americans. Beware of Scam Offers by them!

- ONE reliable online source for cheap cigarettes and tobacco remains: They deliver to customers in all USA States. They charge absolutely NO state or local taxes, so prices are the lowest. They make absolutely NO reports of purchases to anyone or any agency. They are both legal and absolutely PRIVATE.

That sole remaining source is SSO.
Visit my site for complete information and your personal link:

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