Sunday, December 02, 2012


 - How to get them delivered free in the USA -

It's true:
NO News really is GOOD News -

It's been a long time since I posted a cheap cigarettes and tobacco update, and there's a simple reason for that:

No News is Good News - and that's exactly how it's been: good news.

SSO - our private cigarettes buyers club: Nope, no significant changes. 
SSO is still delivering smokes and taking good care of its members.  Lot's of happy members / customers, and that's the same too:  They get what they want delivered to their door at the best prices available, with no hassles and no worries.  

For lots of information and full details or our Cheap Cigarettes Buyers Club, visit

Then there's GreenSmokes - a totally separate company from SSO:
GS still continues to improve their product to the point that it is now by far the quality, taste, and smoke volume Leader in the E-Cigs industry.  So no big changes, just a better and better deal which has become their norm.  For GS:

Note that once you have bought the initial Kit to get started, smoking Greensmokes costs significantly less than traditional tobacco.  Greensmoke electric cigs continue to be a great way to be able to smoke almost whenever and wherever you like - to beat the most of the bans.  AND to smoke for a lot less than regular tobacco cigarettes.

The smart smokers are doing BOTH - enjoying their favorite traditional tobacco when it's no hassle, AND their favored GreenSmoke when it's more convenient.

No, no, no, and Yes, yes, yes:
At SSO, there is still NO state tax, NO Reporting of any kind to anyone - so NO surprise tax bills ever, NO bank account or CC needed - and Yes: Fast efficient delivery to every state in the USA's lower 48 States, an iron-clad triple guarantee, total privacy, etc. etc.

Thirty two -
$32 or thereabouts per delivered Carton is about normal from SSO.  With NO Shipping added, of course, for orders of 4 or more items.

My personal site still gives the big picture for smokers and the details for both traditionals and electrics, along with Reviews of many of the low-cost cigs brands.

The SSO site is still where you log in to fund and order, or where new-comers "Register Now" and then *Activate* their membership via the Message Center menu item.  SSO: